Developing A Growth Mindset

Ahmad Faraz
3 min readDec 25, 2020

There are two main mindsets with which we can navigate in our daily life. The growth and fixed mindset. Having a growth mindset is essential for success. Everyone is actually a mixture of fixed and growth mindsets, and that mixture continually evolves with experience. A “pure” growth mindset doesn’t exist, which we have to acknowledge in order to attain the benefits we seek.

Reflection on Amal Totkay

There are some unusual Totkay by Amal for the evolution of growth mindset

1. Self-talk

Self-talk is the steady stream of messages coming from your inner voice. It doesn’t generally happen out loud, though I’m sure we’ve all been known to grumble audible comments to ourselves when no one else is around. Self-talk is not something that can easily be turned on and off. However, making us aware of the content enclosed in the stream of messages is beneficial for increasing self-growth and mindset.

2.Get out of your comfort zone

Growth doesn’t tend to happen when we’re feeling comfortable. To really change, we need to grow outside our comfort zone. Going out of a comfort zone, accepting new challenges, and exploring new experiences will enhance my growth.

3.Create new habits

Creating new habits is an essential part to grow in life and it can also help to change the fixed mindset to a growth mindset. success begins with the choicest habit.

4.Ask people help

Asking people for help and for constructive feedback not only helps to analyze things from different perspectives but also helps in refining the ideas.

5.Fake it till you make it

Posing to be positive and skilled help in growing the mindset and enhance our capabilities.


Major takeaway of mine is getting out of your comfort zone. A comfort zone is a place of stagnation, one that keeps you from seizing growth opportunities, just because it involves something unfamiliar. But going out of our comfort zone means a lot in our professional and personal growth.

”Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”


1.Opportunity to grow:

Challenging yourself can help you reach your peak performance level. You can’t expect to evolve and reach new heights if you only stick to your normal habits and routine lifestyle…

2.Learn about yourself:

Taking risks will help you grow as an individual and will teach you about your interests, passions, talents, strengths, and weaknesses. Every time you accomplish something you didn’t think you were capable of, you become more confident, knowledgeable, and skilled.

3.Increase your self-confidence:

By Tackling the unknown and proving to yourself you can push past your boundaries and limiting self-beliefs builds your self-confidence and self-esteem. Insecurity loves to feed on your habit of not trying. If you stop thinking and start acting, you will realize what’s possible.

4.Learn to deal with challenges:

Life is unpredictable and it’s important to have the skills and confidence to face them head-on. Knowing that you were able to overcome something you thought was insurmountable will build your confidence and reinforce your independence of who you are.

5.Life becomes exciting:

When your life stops being a scene from the movie Groundhog Day, everything shows up differently. Life becomes more interesting and worth living. Risks may look like adventures and obstacles could look like opportunities.

